Get Rid of the Haters and the Naysayers

I’ve been thinking a lot about the people I have interacted with in the past. I realized that, in retrospect, many of them were nothing but toxic. This became very clear to me when I reviewed Grant Cardone’s book, Be Obsessed or Be Average. He identifies two types of people that you should avoid because they exude nothing but negative energy. These people are the “Haters” and the “Naysayers.” I happen to agree with him and I go out of my way to avoid them as much as I can. All they do is drain your energy and enthusiasm and leave you feeling crappy. (more…)

Achieving abundant wealth with Pezlogic

Achieving Abundant Wealth

If you’re interested in learning about personal finance I recommend Tony Robbins’ new book, Money: Master the Game. 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom. While it is unnecessarily long and tedious to get through, you get a lot of good information from some of the most successful investors of our time.

The key point is that even saving a little money on a regular basis has the potential to grow into a very sizable amount because of the power of compounding – given that you’ve invested your money wisely through asset allocation and diversification. You also realize how much we could be paying in hidden fees and how much those fees reduce our savings over the long run. Enjoy!

Live a Full Life

How Do You Define Your Self-Identity?

Try not to derive your self identity from your job or your profession alone. Instead, fill your life with enough variety where you become a well rounded and diverse human being. You are ultimately defined by all the rich and rewarding life experiences with which you fill your life.

How to Change Your Bad Habits and Behaviors For Good

Changing a bad habit or behavior is difficult enough. Making those changes stick can be even more challenging. If approached correctly, however, it is possible to replace old habits and beliefs with more empowering ones. The concepts I outline below are from an Anthony Robbins video that summarized how to achieve real lasting change. I have come to believe that whether you are happy or disappointed with where you are in your life, you are here because deep down your patterns and habits meant for you to be here. Your destiny is shaped by those moment-to-moment decisions that you made along the way that added up to get you to where you are today. (more…)