Tips and Tricks to Successful Niche Selection – Part 1

In this three-part guide you’ll be introduced to several niche selection techniques that you can use to find profitable products to sell. In Part 1 we will review what makes a good niche and then explain the details of how to find a profitable niche. In Part 2 we will review some powerful tips on how to refine your list, so you can pick out the best products and begin to narrow you’re your list. In Part 3 we go over how you can verify that your product ideas will actually sell. You will find that once you are done implementing the steps outlined in these three posts, you will have found a number of products that you could sell for a profit. (more…)

Tips and Tricks to Successful Niche Selection

Tips and Tricks to Successful Niche Selection – Part 2

In this three-part series we’re reviewing the niche selection process with the goal of finding products that can deliver sustainable profits for the long term. In Part 1 we reviewed what makes a good niche and then explained the details of how to find a profitable niche. In this post we will go over how to refine the product ideas you created in Part 1. In Part 3 we will explain how to verify that your products will actually sell. The steps outlined in these three posts will give you a number of proven tips and tricks that you can use to find a profitable niche. (more…)

Tips and Tricks to Successful Niche Selection

Tips and Tricks to Successful Niche Selection – Part 3

In this three-part guide we introduced a number of tips and tricks to make the niche selection process easier and more fruitful. In Part 1 we reviewed what a good niche was made of and then explained how to start the process of finding profitable products to sell. In Part 2 dove deeper and showed how to refine your product lists in order to identify the best products with the most potential for profit. In this part we will review how to verify that your product ideas will actually sell. (more…)

Wholesale Drop-ship Supplier

How to Become A Wholesale Drop-Ship Supplier

As a wholesale distributor, one of the best ways to acquire online retail customers is to offer to drop-ship for them. Drop shipping lets online retailers list a lot of products without the risk of carrying any inventory. What’s more, online retailers only order and ship what they sell without worrying about items that don’t sell. You as the wholesale drop-ship supplier is the one taking all the risk because you will have to carry the inventory, store it and pay for it. So why would you as a supplier agree to do business this way, especially when you are the one assuming all the risk? (more…)

Wholesale Drop-ship Supplier

How to Start a Drop Ship Online Business

One of the best ways to start an online business is to adopt a drop ship model. This means that you don’t carry any inventory when you make a sale. In a drop shipping business model, you list an item for sale on your website and when a customer makes a purchase, you order it from your supplier and have them ship it directly to the customer as if it was coming from you. The beauty of this model is that you don’t carry any of the inventory risk. In other words, you list a bunch of items on your site and if some of them don’t sell, you aren’t stuck with that inventory. Your supplier is the one taking all the risk of carrying the inventory, storing it and paying for it.

So why would a supplier allow you to do business with them in this fashion, especially when they are the one assuming all the risk? We’ll discuss this in detail below. Let’s look more closely at the steps involved in starting a drop ship business. (more…)

Wholesale Drop-ship Supplier

14 Key Questions to Ask Before Using a Drop-Ship Supplier

One of the most common ways to ramp up your online business is to incorporate drop-shipping. This is when you list a supplier’s products on your website but you don’t physically carry their merchandise yourself. When you get an order for one of those products you send the order details to your supplier and they ship it to your customer as if you had shipped the item yourself. This allows you to offer a large variety of products without having to take the risk of investing money in purchasing those products. I’m not saying that this is a good or bad strategy for your business but if you are going to go this route then you should review the important factors I outline in this post in order to make sure that your drop-ship supplier is right for you. (more…)