Find the best keywords for Amazon

How to Find the Best Keywords for Your Amazon Listings

Keyword research is very important for success on Amazon. This is because keywords have a huge impact on how much traffic your listings receive. Your products won’t appear in search results unless you take the time to find keywords that customers are likely to use. A few good keywords can make the difference between a product that is found and one that remains in obscurity. If you don’t include at least one high-volume keyword that’s relevant to your product you’ll run the risk of missing out on a significant amount of traffic and sales. Therefore, good keyword research can have a major impact on both the quantity and quality of the traffic that is directed to your listings. 

Top Tips for Performing Keyword Research

The following tips are designed to help you through the process of beginning and refining your keyword research.

Keyword Research Best Practices

Here are some best practices to use when performing keyword research. Follow these steps so you can systematically improve the quality of your sales copy.

  • Brainstorm Keywords: Take the time to make a list of keywords that are relevant to your products. Use words can be used to describe your products.
  • Expand Your List with Market Research: Take your newly-created list and expand it by doing some market research. Try to find similar products both on and off Amazon. When studying those products, write down some of the keywords they use in these listings. Pay special attention to the top sellers in your category to see what words they are using in their sales copy.
  • Use Keyword Research Tools: There are a lot of online tools you can use to perform and expand your keyword research. Here is a list of good tools you can use to find both single and long-tail keywords:

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Using long-tail keywords can really boost your results. Long-tail keywords are basically search phrases that have three or four keywords in them and are very specific to your product or service. Long-tail keywords are important because customers tend to use specific search phrases when they know exactly what they want to buy. Therefore, it is to your benefit to try to figure out what these search phrases might be.

Buyer Intent is Important

In most cases, people use Google with a different intent than when they search on Amazon. People tend to use Google for more general types of searches while they use Amazon to find specific products to buy. Therefore, if you’re doing keyword research for your Amazon listings, it is important to prioritize keywords that have a “buyer intent” over keywords that are more informational in nature.

How to Create an Amazon Marketing Plan

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

It is recommended that you only add relevant keywords to their listings. If you stuff a bunch of non-relevant keywords in your listings (also known as “keyword stuffing”), you’ll run the risk of hurting your conversation rates. This is because people who land on your page will realize that it has to do with the keywords that drove them there. As a result, they will exit without taking any action.

All search algorithms (like the ones used by Google and Amazon) are trained to look for pages that have low conversion rates. These algorithms will rank your page lower over time when they see a pattern of quick exits or “bounces” off your page. Therefore, lower conversion rates lead to lower organic rankings, which in turn result in a reduction in sales.


Keyword research is extremely important for success on Amazon because the keywords that you use have a huge impact on how much traffic you receive. If you want your products to appear in Amazon’s search results, then you better include good keywords in your listings, especially long-tail keywords. Keyword research is a very good investment of time and can lead to some great results. A few good keywords can really boost your organic rankings and help your products get found. To aid in this process, use some of the keyword research tools that were listed above. They can help you go above and beyond the brainstorming that you can do on your own. When doing your research, remember to keep your buyer’s intent in mind so you can find keywords that people use when they want to buy a product over keywords that people use when they are just doing research. Lastly, avoid “keyword stuffing” because it really won’t help you very much. If anything, it can really hurt your results. You’re much better off using fewer highly-relevant keywords than a bunch of non-relevant ones.

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