If you want to be an entrepreneur, is a college education worth it these days? A lot of people argue that a college education is no longer necessary. They argue that it is too expensive and doesn’t really teach you anything useful. Anything you want to learn you can learn in the “real world.” I tend […]
Month: October 2011
Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Is It Worth It?
Pay-Per-Click Advertising: An Overview When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, my motto is to distrust anyone that tells me that I won’t be charged unless someone clicks on my ad. Why? Because a lot of people with no intention of buying anything will click on my ad…Nevertheless, those selling PPC ads love to use […]
The 3 Cs and 4 Ps – A Critical First Step in Business Planning

Proper Business Planning: The 3 Cs and 4 Ps – A Critical First Step in Business Planning Any business venture that you plan to embark upon should go through the “3Cs and 4Ps” exercise. While at first you may think that you’re wasting your time, you’ll soon realize how incredibly valuable and insightful this exercise […]
Using Dropbox As Your Company’s Network Drive
Here is an interesting article on the rise of Dropbox. http://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriabarret/2011/10/18/dropbox-the-inside-story-of-techs-hottest-startup/ This article resonated with me because we use Dropbox all the time at Bundle City. In fact, it has completely replaced our internal network. Where in the past we would store documents on network drives, now we put everything in Dropbox. That way, not […]
The Purpose of This Blog
The purpose of this blog is to discuss my views and experiences with ecommerce and technology. Friends and colleagues frequently ask me technology-related questions so I figured I should put my thoughts into a blog. This way others will benefit from the things I’ve done correctly and learn from the things I’ve done incorrectly. So far […]